Bartosz Rybarski Personal blog

Hi! I’m Bartosz. I’m a software engineer.

🏫 Education

MSc Software Engineering and Internet Computing

Technical University of Vienna
2024-now, Vienna

BSc Computer Science

University of Warsaw
2019-2023, Warsaw

🏢 Work experience

Software Mansion - 3 years

Software Mansion is a well-regarded, publicly listed software house based in Cracow, Poland, which is especially known for its vast contribution and presence in the React Native community.

I worked there as a software engineer, working mostly with:

And for the following clients: - 1 year

During my first software engineering job I worked as a React Native engineer, and developed a mobile application for a time management SaaS.

🎤 Conferences and events

Speaker @ ETH Warsaw 2022

With the help of my colleagues from Software Mansion I conducted workshops at the ETH Warsaw conference that introduced people to the Starknet ecosystem and Cairo programming language.

Blockchain 101 Workshops @ Software Mansion

At our office, we organized a series of workshops for students, that introduced them to the basics of blockchain. During the workshops, we explained the technical details behind Bitcoin, and guided students through writing their own cryptocurrency in Python.

Starknet Hackathon Amsterdam 2022

Our team from Software Mansion took part in the hackathon, where we built a web-native wallet for Starknet.

⭐️ Other achievements

Laureate title in the nationwide mathematical olympiad organized by the AGH university

Ogólnopolska Olimpiada Matematyczna o Diamentowy Indeks AGH, 2019

🌎 Languages